The Bear in the Blueberry


The "Bear in the Blueberry" is a circle of life story about how everything is in everything and it's beautifully illustrated by a Northwest artist who lives in Seattle. The sun is in the blueberry and the rain and finally even the bear “poop” or scat!! The book includes a blueberry pancake recipe and three pages of “bear facts” that provide information about bears that even many long time Alaskans didn’t know. The feedback from parents, teachers and children is that the book stimulates conversation about caring for the earth since everything is connected.

Note from the Author:

The inspiration for this book came from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. In one of his talks he held up a piece of paper and asked, “Can you see the logger in this piece of paper?” I was confused and looked hard to see a picture of a logger. Then he asked, “Can you see the sun in this paper? Can you see the rain in the paper? Can you see the forest in the paper?” He concluded by saying, “The entire universe is in this piece of paper. Everything is in everything.” And I thought, “Then the bear is in the blueberry!”

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